Physical Therapist

Physical Therapy in the DFW Metroplex

Who provides Physical Therapy?

Licensed Physical Therapists, Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant

Who benefits from Physical Therapy?

Clients with disabilities and individuals who need treatment for muscle injury, prosthetic fitting and training and other health issues involving the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal functions

What are the services covered by Physical Therapy?

  • Fall Risk Reduction
  • Flexibility Training and Exercises
  • Pediatric Therapy
  • Sports Medicine
  • Mobility Assistive Devices Training
  • Relearning Self-Care Skills
  • Orthotics and Prosthetics Fitting
  • Regaining Mobility
  • Strength Enhancement
  • Assessment of Patient’s Safety at Home
  • Toning and Coordination of Muscle

We offer Physical Therapy as well as Elderly Care and other Home Health Services in Texas. Call 972-352-2943 for inquiries.