4 Important Precautions: Reducing Your Risk for Congestive Heart Failure

4 Important Precautions Reducing Your Risk for Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure is a condition wherein the heart can’t pump enough oxygen and blood to meet the body’s needs. It can be caused by numerous factors and underlying medical conditions including hyperthyroidism, diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart disease.

If you are looking for the best way to prevent congestive heart failure, On Time Home Health Services LLC, a concerned provider of Home Health Services in the DFW Metroplex, suggests for you to live a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Here are some precautions that you can take:

  • Avoid alcohol.
    Alcohol can contribute to congestive heart failure and many other heart conditions. So, make sure to limit your alcohol intake or avoid it altogether.
  • Limit sodium intake.
    Sodium promotes water retention and that extra water held in your body forces your heart to work even harder. However, when you limit your sodium intake, you can also reduce the amount of stress on your heart and lessen your risk for heart conditions such as congestive heart failure. While it may be difficult to reduce your salt intake dramatically or completely remove it from your diet, consider healthier seasoning options. Also, watch out for foods with high sodium content, such as packaged soups and vegetables, sports drinks, pickles, and olives.
  • Eat a heart-healthy diet.
    Avoid refined sugars, salt, saturated fats, carbs, caffeinated drinks, and trans-fat to help lessen your risk of congestive heart failure. Instead, eat a heart-healthy diet consisting of lean proteins, low-fat dairy products, omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Get regular exercise.
    Exercising regularly isn’t just beneficial in helping you avoid congestive heart failure, it can be valuable for your overall health as well. Moderate exercises for at least 3 to 4 times a week can positively impact your health and reduce the stress on your heart. Talk to your physician about an exercise program that is suitable for your weight and fitness level.

Hopefully, these four heart care tips were able to provide you with some useful insight so that you can start living a heart-healthy lifestyle and significantly reduce your risk for developing congestive heart failure. As a dedicated provider of Elderly Care in Texas, we want to help you live a happy, heart-healthy life.

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